The Role of Foam Rolling in Improving Circulation and Reducing Muscle Soreness
Foam rolling (also called myofascial release) involves applying pressure to muscle tissue in order to loosen tightness and promote flexibility. According to theory, fascia encases each muscle like an invisible sheath; when tight, fascia restricts movement leading to injury and may inhibit flexibility as a result.
Foam rolling can be safely used by most individuals when used properly and consistently. However, those with specific health concerns should seek advice or professional guidance prior to beginning foam rolling.
Increased Blood Flow
Foam rolling applies pressure on muscles to loosen tight fascia and muscles, improving circulation. This increases oxygen supply to muscles while flushing carbon dioxide out – enabling healing and regeneration to take place more effectively.
Foam rolling may increase endothelial nitrogen oxide concentration, leading to vasodilation and improved endothelial function – in turn leading to decreased blood pressure and an increase in vascular conductance [8].
Foam rolling also increases fascia elasticity. Tight fascia causes muscle tangles that restrict movement and cause stiffness; foam rolling breaks up these knots by loosening muscles and improving their elasticity.
One study discovered that after performing an intense physical performance event, foam rolling significantly decreased lactate levels in lower body muscles due to activating of parasympathetic nervous system via foam rolling. This suggests it can be an effective strategy for optimizing recovery from intense physical performance events.
Decreased Muscle Soreness
Foam rolling involves applying pressure to soft tissue, sending signals to your body to relax and ease muscle soreness by increasing anti-inflammatory proteins, decreasing pro-inflammatory proteins and flushing out lactic acid build-up that accumulates during intensive exercise. It helps relieve muscle soreness by stimulating anti-inflammatory proteins while simultaneously flushing out pro-inflammatory proteins as well as flushing out any buildup of lactic acid or other toxins in your muscles during intense activity.
Foam rolling can enhance sprinting and power exercises when used prior to training or activity (pre-rolling as part of a warm-up) as well as post-training recovery (post-rolling), by increasing blood flow to targeted muscles thereby helping reduce delayed onset muscle soreness while simultaneously increasing mobility.
Tight muscles often result in knots – small tears in muscle fibers which cause discomfort – but foam rolling can loosen these knots by breaking up fascia that holds them together, and allowing them to realign themselves naturally.
Decreased Muscle Stiffness
Foam rolling can help break up knots and adhesions that impede movement and cause pain, increasing blood flow to target areas to flush out excess carbon dioxide while replenishing with the vital oxygen-rich air that fuels muscle recovery after exercise and workouts.
Studies have also demonstrated its ability to reduce muscle stiffness, particularly in areas that experience delayed onset muscle soreness. Furthermore, massage has been found to alleviate tightness in muscles while improving flexibility by relieving tension in fascia layers.
Foam rolling should focus on targeting only muscle groups and not joints or bony prominences as this could cause bruising and/or injury. Every person has different tolerance to pressure and sensitivity for the technique; take your time when rolling each muscle group for no longer than one to two minutes so the muscles have time to adapt without becoming fatigued from excessive intensity.
Increased Flexibility
Foam rolling can increase flexibility by breaking up fascial tightness in a similar manner to when receiving deep tissue massage therapy. Foam rolling is particularly helpful for people who suffer from tight lats (latissimus dorsi) or quads (quadriceps), or want to increase range of motion.
Foam rolling should be considered safe for most individuals; however, certain individuals should consult a healthcare provider prior to adding this tool into their routine. Tight soft tissues can restrict circulation by compressing blood vessels, veins and nerves that run through it; with foam rolling as an intervention tool in place it prompts relaxation within targeted soft tissues as well as increasing blood flow to these regions.
Studies published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research showed that foam rolling increased lateral-thigh arterial blood flow for up to 30 minutes after just one session, making it an excellent addition to dynamic warm-up programs as it supports muscle recovery.