Uncovering the Benefits of Protein Supplementation for Muscle Growth and Reduction
Protein is the cornerstone of muscle growth. Unfortunately, meeting your recommended daily allowance (RDA) of protein may not be sufficient to maximize FFM and 1RM...
The Role of Foam Rolling in Improving Circulation and Reducing Muscle Soreness
Foam rolling (also called myofascial release) involves applying pressure to muscle tissue in order to loosen tightness and promote flexibility. According to theory, fascia encases...
Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition
Eating before and after exercise provides your body with essential energy to power through training sessions more easily and recover faster. Prior to exercise, eating...
The Effects of Exercise on Physical Function and Quality of Life in Older Affluent Communities
Exercise benefits both your physical and mental wellbeing, with research showing seniors who regularly engage in physical activity enjoy an improved quality of life. Just...
Innovative Ways to Stay Active Without a Gym Membership
Maintaining a fitness routine without a gym membership can be challenging. But there are a variety of affordable and easy-to-do options to help you stay...