Everything You Need to Know About Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry can address numerous dental issues such as misalignments, discolorations, chips, and broken teeth. Cosmetic dentistry is an invaluable way to boost quality of life while increasing self-confidence in one’s smile.

However, cosmetic dentistry differs from restorative procedures that focus on maintaining oral health and functionality. Keep reading to gain all of the knowledge about cosmetic dentistry!

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most frequently requested cosmetic procedures. A cost-effective way to enhance the beauty of your smile, it can have an enormously positive effect.

Your dental team will assess whether you qualify for teeth whitening, and provide oversight as necessary if this procedure is suitable for you. The procedure usually entails using bleaching gel containing either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide to lighten tooth color.

Most people experience mild side effects during and after teeth bleaching treatments, including tooth sensitivity and irritation to soft tissues in the mouth. These symptoms should resolve within several days after finishing treatment.

Whitening treatments in-office typically take one visit; however, more severe staining may require multiple sessions. It is wise to schedule the initial whitening session prior to any other major dental work like fillings or crowns to ensure a seamless match with your new, brighter smile.


Veneers are thin porcelain shells customized to fit over the front of your teeth and help create an appealing natural-looking smile by covering imperfections such as chips, gaps or discolorations.

Your dentist will remove a thin layer of enamel–less than the thickness of a fingernail–from the surface of each of your teeth, then take an impression to ensure your veneers fit seamlessly within your mouth and smile. They may provide temporary restorations until permanent ones arrive from their laboratory.

Your dentist will assess the condition of your teeth, looking for signs of crookedness or decay, before applying bonding resin and drying it with a curing light, before shaping or filing as needed. Some individuals experience temporary sensitivity after getting veneers but this usually dissipates as their mouth adjusts to temperature changes. Since veneers are considered cosmetic treatments, their lifespan tends to be shorter than whitening treatments or crowns.

Gum Contouring

Gum contouring (also referred to as gum reshaping or tissue sculpting) is a specialized cosmetic dental procedure used to alter the look of your gum line. It can help address aesthetic concerns like gummy smiles, uneven gum lines or uneven tooth lengths as well as improve oral health by reducing bacteria that lead to tooth decay.

Procedure is completed in-office and typically only requires one visit, following application of local anesthesia. Your dentist uses either a scalpel or laser to use cutting device to remove excess tissue and reshape gum line.

After your procedure, some minor swelling and soreness should subside within one week. To help reduce infection and foster healing, follow your dentist’s post-treatment care instructions carefully to prevent infection and promote healing. A soft diet should also help avoid irritating the area; your dentist may suggest rinsing with warm salt water or an antiseptic mouthwash as an added measure to keep it clean.

Composite Bonding

Composite bonding is an excellent solution for individuals looking to correct chips, fractures or gaps in their teeth. Furthermore, it allows people looking to whiten their smile without filing down natural enamel to do so safely and painlessly.

This minimally-invasive procedure involves applying tooth-coloured composite resin material directly onto the surfaces of your teeth and shaping it for improved appearance. Because this resin shares similar translucencies as natural tooth enamel, the bond material will blend in seamlessly into your existing smile.

Before applying resin, your dentist will apply an etching solution which helps it adhere to natural teeth more closely. After shaping and sculpting it to fit perfectly onto your tooth, they’ll use a curing light to harden it further before polishing and trimming to complete their cosmetic dental treatment!

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